Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jambo: How politically correct do we have to be?

I mean, if Thomas has a Trevor moment, can we identify it as such? Or, as Ryan so colorfully put it, if Thomas' account on "" runs into the thousands of dollars and hundreds of thousands of visits, are we not allowed to mention that for the world to see?

Oh well.

Where to begin, other than Thompson looks like he's making an official type move. Just what we need, someone that has the same spontaneous stage presence as G.W. or a deer in headlights. I know it'll make Ryan puke green bile, but at least Lil' Bill could get in front of a camera and speak to the population. Whether or not he was being honest, or saying anything meaningful is not the point. He could do it. Which is more than Bush Jr. or Sr.

Cruising along through all the Katrina memorials. Have to thank G.W. for flying in on Marine One, saving the traffic jams all his other visits have created. Probably wouldn't be so bad if that bridge was fixed.

Well, I have no idea how this posts or where the hell the spell check is. How do I post this?

1 comment:

Titus said...

Nice use of nick-names... dork!