Thursday, September 29, 2011

Comrade Greenie

This is priceless...

Throughout the Ethos of Bund lore I have clearly, from the beginning, opposed the "green movement." In brief (very brief in fact), I'll recap the 3 primary reasons why: 1.) The science didn't add up to me on a very basic level. 7 or so ice ages, millions of years of volcanoes, continent fragmentation, bodies of water drying up & reforming, & I am to believe that in the sliver of time human beings have been residents on earth that Model T's are going to effect let alone upset such a ferociously powerful force as planet wide climate, especially when 97% of Co2 occurs as water evaporation? Please (& this was well before recent scandals involving faked data). 2.) It seemed a secular religion. Beat your wife, abandon your kids, & snort cocaine but as long as you recycle, well hell, Susan Surandon will show up on " earth day" & call you a saint. 3.) and most importantly, it appeared to me to be an all too convenient movement for those predisposed to opposing capitalism. Call it socialism, communism, statism,whatever you like, the bottom line is the tenants of the green movement are nearly indistinguishable from top down state controlled economic theory. And I have always suspected these "watermelons" - green on the outside, red on the inside - were merely packaging their preferred economic theories into a presentation more palatable to the American people - "we're saving the planet, and seals, baby seals in fact!"

Well ...

Forget .org or .com, .net or even .gov - there is a new web domain available for those wanting to prove their dedication to the environment. Presenting ".eco"!

Al Gore, who owns the "Green Channel", dedicated exclusively to his propaganda, has been fighting furiously to purchase & own this new domain. Alas, it was not to be. He ultimately dropped his bid for control. He lost to the man quickly becoming known as the "Al Gore of Europe."

Who won? You ready for this?

Mikael Gorbachev.

Ha! Ya greenies around the world, nothing says "we're environmentalists not socialists" like having the former premier of the UNION of SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS (and hard core commie I might add) as your helmsman.

You can't make this stuff up.

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