Friday, February 10, 2012

All men of conscience are missing the point here...

Yes, the Catholic Church and all those who stand with them are 100% correct to fight this "demand" of Il Duce-in-chief. However, we need to back up a step so that we don't allow the table to be set for another unconstitutional "compliance order."

Is the current issue a real violation (ahem, ACLU) of the seperation of Church and State? Yes. However, if I am a Catholic and I open up a deli, I should not be compelled to provide health insurance for my employees that cover contraceptives, abortion, or sex changes. I should be able to object on grounds that it violates my faith, my conscience, as a business owner. And a step back from that we should not lose sight of the fact that as an individual - much like the Amish can opt out of social Security - I should be able to opt out of being compelled (at the threat of fines and jail time as Obamacare provides for) to purchase health insurance, PERIOD. What next? Can you compel an individual owner of a Kosher Deli to do business on the Sabbath? Can they compel a Mormon restaurant owner to provide coffee on the grounds that their non-purchase affects the interstate commerce of coffee beans? Or make a young Mennonite man pick up an M-16 for his country? Or an athiest to buy a Christmas tree and presents on the grounds that his local vendors need the holiday sales boost?

I am all for the fight the Church is waging. Lets us just be sure though not to let the administration draw their line in the sand so deep into unconstitutional territory that in the resulting "compromise" we allow them to to be a just a "few feet" inside. Then we will have won the battle, but lost the war.

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