Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dear Mr. Vice President...

Apparently VP Biden and another D.C. "commission" are putting in motion all the ammo the president needs to introduce sweeping new gun restriction laws. Now I could make the typical arguments - that the very cities with the strictest gun laws (Chicago, New York, D.C., et al) have the highest gun-murder rate while those counties and cities with the most liberal conceal-carry laws have the lowest; or that gun powder has been around since the 1600's and school shootings are a modern development, hence culture not the flint lock is to blame; or that in one battle 70,000 men died under Alexander the Great, hence "living by the sword" alone can be equally deadly, read: man will always find a way to take life when he deems it necessary; or that the nation boasting Europe's strictest gun laws, the U.K., has seen since its' total hand gun ban a violent crime rate explosion - up 89% in the 10 years since its' implementation (or per 100,000 people in Britain 2,034 violent assaults happen, as opposed to 486 per 100,000 in the US) - however, I know full well Mr. VP that common sense and facts have a way of bouncing right off you and your boss, so I'll stick to a simple question:

The criminally-insane man whom perpetrated the Sandy Hook massacre illegally obtained his weapons by stealing them from his mother. He then illegally brought them into a school, a "gun-free-zone." He then illegally took the lives of 26 children and adults. Mr. Vice President my question to you is, at what point during that sequence do you believe this man would have respected your proposed new laws?

Speaking of VP's...  Al Gore - congratulations on your new found wealth. I read that your sale of "Current TV" to the oil empire of Qatar (via Al Jazeera) has put your net worth to that of just beyond Mitt Romney's. I'm sure you'll be purchasing your carbon off-sets in gross now.

By the way Titus, I find your quest to be self sufficient extremely admirable and a worthy endeavour indeed ... and you sound exactly like a man whom has been adamantly preaching that very message, can't really remember his name right now, it rhymes with Ben Gleck... I'll think of it, just give me a minute (couldn't resist... hehe).

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