Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boston's Second Massacre

The story of the 8 year old boy is beyond heartbreaking. His sister lost a leg as well. Running to greet his father (a marathon runner) at the finish line and he's murdered... unbelievable. And another emotion has set in - FURY. I want the people responsible, dead.

I find the following troubling though... news has broken off and on today about a suspect being in custody. Finally, it was officially denied by the FBI. My concern is what I've been hearing from "conservative" circles. Jay Secculo is a former Bush DOJ lawyer and is now at the American Center for Law and Justice. He is the "go-to" guy for national security legalese on many of the top syndicated talk radio programs, as well as FOX. He, and in this case Hannitty, were today making the case that they fear - understand they are concerned this WILL happen - they fear that the Obama apparatus will insist on marandizing the culprit when they do locate him (or them). They went on to agree that "U.S. citizen or not, they deserve to be thrown into GITMO."

My question to the those on the Right whom would advocate such a thing is this - ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? Let me get this straight. This is the guy, Obama, that you don't trust with a list of weapon owners, don't trust the implications of Obamacare, some of you don't even trust he was born here, but you trust THAT GUY with the power to arrest without Miranda, warrant, habeus corpus, or charge? And they kept saying, "In this instance they've made America a battlefield, so battlefield rules apply." WTF? So drone strikes on US soil, it turns out, ARE ok with you, right? I would argue that it is PRECISELY this type of incident when Miranda, etc are the most important, so as to restrain our baser desires. We don't devolve out of the Constitution when attacked. This is when we embrace and use the law to nail these people. It is this kind of troubling sentiment which leads to Japanese internment camps (take that and stick it in your craw left wingers, just incase you think I'm suddenly one of you, I am not). Understand that Holder's DOJ has issued "red flags" for profiling potential domestic terrorists in the past which includes descriptions (and I'm not paraphrasing) like, "Those who take the Bible literally." Or those whom are "Overly pro Constitutional." And the "Right Wing" media wants to give THAT justice department the power to arrest without Miranda nor charge?

Come on guys, Hannity, whoever you are, we are not the Left. We don't employ selective outrage, inconsistent arguments, nor emotional demagoguery to effect our argument. We're at the grown-ups table, they aren't, lets act like it. We don't selectively apply the Bill of Rights to citizens. I'm curious, what if an attack like this was found out to be a mob hit gone wrong? We all know there's no organized crime in Boston, right? Do mafioso get sent to GITMO? Mr. Hannity and Mr. Secculo, I sincerely hope that when they arrest these guys, they resist - if you know what I mean. However, I do not trust any government with the power to summarily detain or execute an American citizen. Especially not the current administration. Slow down, catch your breath, and think this through before you inspire certain linguini-spined GOP'ers on capital hill to hand the POTUS powers we will never get back.

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