Friday, July 10, 2009

Gut Instincts

Whether or not you know the name Scott Rasmussen, you've undoubtedly heard of the "Rasmussen Poll." He is non partisan, appearing as a guest on shows ranging from Oberhmann to Limbaugh. He does a myriad of polling, highly respected etc, etc.

Well, today I listened to him describe what my gut (read: brains guided by experience) led me to describe over a year & a half ago, if not longer, on this very site.

He noted that the most consistent polling numbers in the US break down along "self identification." Out of 4 possible: conservative or Republican & Democrat or liberal, he noted a clear & consistent majority (by plurality) of Americans are self identified "conservatives." Just over 40%. But more interesting in terms of electoral victory, when each side is given either their Party or their ideology as a choice that best describes them, on the "right" more individuals describe themselves as conservative rather then Republican, and its been that way, he says, for decades. But the converse is true on the left - more describe themselves as "Democrat" then do "liberal." Which means, he went on, that the GOP MUST appeal to conservatives while Democrats MUST appeal to moderates, in order to win. And if you think about the language Barak used - "tax cuts" (however targeted and flimsy), using the word "investment" rather than "spending", etc etc, he was clearly attempting to down play his own radical ideology, in favor of more moderate tones, i.e. he was doing exactly what he needed to do to garner the maximum amount of votes. Whereas McCain did exactly the wrong thing - attempting to play down a conservative ideology & play up his "moderate", big tent approach.

This is exactly the problem as was identified here - a Republican CAN NOT win being a "mushy moderate", a "them light." And according to Rasmussen a Democrat can not win being an open liberal. Now we know here that liberal is exactly what Obama was as a candidate, but to the occasional observer his rhetoric sounded rather reasonable - an easy goal to accomplish if you speak almost exclusively in platitudes.

Bottom line: this is a center-right nation. The GOP can not regain momentum less they REembrace their conservative roots, the numbers bare that out plainly. Yet what is the advice coming from the likes of Colin Powell? John McCain? Lindsey ("amnesty") Graham? To be more moderate, appeal more to the just left of center when it comes to spending, illegals, guns, judges, you name it.

The GOP would do well to listen less to those men & more to the F.Ryan's & the Rush Limbaugh's ... that is, if they want to cease being a Party of "also ran."

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