Friday, July 3, 2009

Holiday Weekend

It has been a long ass time since I've posted, and since I've seen Titus recant on his position of Iraq's position as numero uno in terms of national security threats from way back in 2003, I will have to stand and take my medicine publicly too.

I have been the champion of government spending, advocating government spending on infrastructure, alternative energy, education, all under the auspices of a New Deal like system that produced measurable, specific results. While I am NOT conceding by a long shot the historical success or failure of FDR's New Deal, I am acknowledging at this point in history the mistake this kind of federal spending is.

Ryan called it eighteen months ago. Now everyone, including the ENTIRE state of California, is using the term "Too big to fail." And what have these institutions done? Financial companies that took bailout money are on the hook to the Feds for everything from policy decisions to bonuses to you name it, EXCEPT loaning the money back into the economy. The auto companies filed bankruptcy, after billions of dollars were channeled to avoid just that.

Are we better than we were twelve months ago? Are we WORSE?

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