Friday, July 6, 2012

The Greatest Show On Earth ... x2

I have indeed completed the move from Nevada to Mississippi ... geographically at least. As Jambo might have mentioned my mother has a "cozy" 3 bedroom guest house that is more cabin than cottage, and the term "fixer upper" seems woefully inadequate. At this moment I sit surrounded by flooring that must be replaced,  gallon containers of Killz that must be applied prior to the paint, cracked molding, warped baseboards, and on and on and on. But hey, it's free from rent, the AC is cold and the WiFi is active, so as long as I'm willing to put in the elbow grease it'll be perfect for a man looking to keep costs at a minimum as he returns to college during the back nine of his 30's. And at the risk of drawing a spousal stare that could shoot a chill up the spine of Edgar Allen Poe, I'm pausing to plug in and post for a brief moment.

I read you Reagan analysis Titus. I have to say, I agree. Given the "progressive" agenda has infiltrated everyday American life, the idea that one of the two major parties was immune would be silly. Especially with the obvious policy evidence. What baffles me - and I truly mean the reasoning escapes me - is that we tend to associate Progressive Republicans (call them soft, Rhino, or whatever pejorative you wish to assign) with politicos that "just want to win." That just want to triangulate. As those whom are preoccupied with electoral success and polling data at the expense of conservative ideology.  Yet Reagan demonstrated that an unapologetic conservative approach (at least his brand of conservatism) produces wildly popular results and electoral ass-kicking the likes of which we rarely see in presidential politics. To put it bluntly - it works. It's good policy and good politics So why is it such a tough sell among the elite Republican class? It's maddening in the extreme. Hopefully, the Tea Party class recently elected in 2010 (the Rands and Rubios) will serve as an effective inoculate for at least one generation, if not more.

Now, I wonder if Levine would be as quick to say "anybody but Obama", regardless of their Progressive Republican leanings, when it comes to the Supreme Court? Do you realize that in deciding my NON participation in a market is a form of "participation" that must be regulated under the commerce clause at the penalty of fines or imprisonment (and that those enforcement fines are permitted under congressional taxing powers), the SCOTUS has destroyed the idea of limited government? Under this approach their is no activity the government can not force me into or prevent me from. I sincerely believe that when he great story of America is written (and at this rate it will be written in Mandarin) they will look back and say "There. There is where they entered the second half of their great experiment." Make no mistake about it, if this ruling stands, the concept of limited government has been defeated. And the one thing a life time appointment is supposed to ensure - immunity from politics and the everyday pressures of Washington DC - it failed to do. Because even Justice Kennedy believed the Obamacare individual mandate violated Constitutional Law, yet Chief Justice Roberts, we lost him? Nothing in this man's background, decisions, stated ideology, speeches, writings or behavior fits with this decision. In fact, it has leaked that the three conservative Justices (Scalia, Thomas and Alito) attempted to ascertain the reasoning behind his decision and quote, "Could not get a satisfactory answer." Something happened. This was not a long march towards the Left as other GOP nominated Justices have fallen prey to. This was an abrupt about face. Why? It's hard to comprehend without quickly slipping into conspiracy theories that involve men in black trench coats and nefarious stares.

At any rate, I think Romney would do well to pick a Rubio or Ryan (I mean Paul Ryan, but hey, I'll put down my paint brush for king and country). Either way I have almost no confidence in his campaign promise to repeal Obamacare. My posts will be sporadic at best, but I'll be around as I float in between caulk and a hard place.

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