Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Mime of Pennsylvania Avenue

Let me just get this straight on the trifecta of scandals engulfing the White House...

1.) The people now admitting to knowledge of the three year Inspector General query into the IRS targeting scandal now include the White House General Counsel (the Oval Office lawyer), the Secretary of Treasury, and the director (soon to be former) of the IRS. Yet according to Obama's own words and those of his Press Secretary Jay Carney (from today), the president was never informed and found out about it "in the press" only when the story broke.

2.) Erik Holder, the Attorney General of the United States (and Obama's personal friend), defended his actions - namely intercepting (spying on) the emails, text, and phone calls of 100 AP reporters - because the source they were trying to pin down was responsible for "the third most damaging national security leak  since 1973", yet the AG never informed the president of the situation, and Obama found out about it only when the story broke. (an addendum to that scandal, it has grown to include the targeting of Fox News reporters)

3.) The president (plus the veep and SoS, I might add) claims he never knew of any enhanced security requests for outpost Benghazi. In addition, he last spoke to the Sec Def on 9/11/12 at 4pm, and did not speak to any member of the military apparatus the entire evening and made no decisions to ":stand down" or not, and only learned that such decisions were made the following day. In addition a White House representative, one "Mr. Phifer", went on all 5 Sunday morning talk shows two days ago and was repeatedly asked point blank, "Where was the President during the attack (situation room, oval, etc)?" Mr. Phifer refused to answer. No one knows or is willing say where the Commander-in-Chief was during thBenghazi asault. We can't even pin down the ROOM.

So in each scandal we don't know where the president was, what he was doing, or who he talked to, but what we definitely do know, iron clad, 100% is that he never heard of the scandals, never knew of the scandals, and never saw the scandals. In addition, he doesn't know anything about Fast and Furious, never heard of this Saudi who was swept away after the Boston bombings, and it wasn't him who came up with the "blame it on a video protest" story. He wants you to know he is not a crook because people deserve to know whether their preside .... err, wait, sorry, wrong president.

I want to remind you all that at this point in the Watergate scandal Nixon's approval ratings were still climbing and safely North of 40%. So ... how long before this glass house starts to crack?

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