Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bad, bad analogy brother ...

I dont know what "mainstream" outlets you've been watching, but both MSNBC & FOX have dedicated hours of footage and coverage. And here's what I've gathered thus far ...

The "occupy" movement has spawned 12 accusations of rape; 74 accusations of sexual assault (these are official police filings mind you); 2 deaths; multiple drug possession charges; and over 1000 arrests. They have vandalized public and private property, including a trash can through a window of whole foods. Deficated in public, including #2 on top of a squad car. The average participant is college educated. Multiple, MULTIPLE interviews of "leaders" on MSNBC (they seem to like Al Sharpton's show) have in the clearest of terms stated this is not about "reforming" what we have (the republic and capitalism), but "burning it down" and starting over. "Revolution not reform!" is the common cry. The vast food, telecommunications, PR classes, and newspapers (yes, they have sophisticated levels of each) are funded primarily by unions & a few uber wealthy donors. They also have numerous celebrity endorsements, including Rosanne Barr who said those who disagree should be given the opportunity to attend a reeducation camp, but if need be, beheaded (this from a woman worth $50 million). And a common complaint (probably THE most common after "eat the rich") is their distress over their student loan debt. And that's before you get to the multiple speakers espousing the virtues of communism.

Does that sound like Coxey's Army? You tell these kids that they have to march, on foot, across Pennsylvania and they'll turn up their Ipods and go back to chanting "death to big corporations."

The true dividing line in this country isn't between the 99 and 1%. It's between the 53% of us that pay taxes, and the 47% that don't.

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