Monday, November 14, 2011

"Second Mile"

That's how I had it figured... you don't need an explicit law to fire, turn in, or otherwise remove an accused pedophile, especially with first hand witnesses. If you combine the 1998 and 2002 incidents, those alone would be enough to (at the very least, assuming you're concerned with being sued if the accusations are proven false), put the assistant coach on paid administrative leave as an official investigation was conducted.

Given that fact, either Joe Pa knew and should be fired, or he didn't know (I agree, impossible) and should be fired as incompetent (an adjective which never before applied to Paterno). Being fired has a different threshold then being prosecuted. And while Paterno may have not met the latter, I think it's reasonable for the trustees to claim he did meet the former.

My subject title refers to Sandusky's charity organization. The very organization which apparently gave him access to young children. I just heard at top of the hour CBS Radio News that the president of that charity has resigned and a second charity, based out of New York, has come forth to announce an investigation. Apparently, in coordination with Second Mile, they sent children to bunk at Sandusky's home as they attended Second Mile events. You're right, this is going to get much, much worse.

As I was thinking more about this whole disgusting affair something occured to me, and it's the part that bothers me the most about behavior of the PSU staff involved: Sandusky is a predator, and his particular vulgar predilection is incurable. Pedophiles don't just "stop." Joe Pa, the President, the athletic coordinator, the campus security chief, and anyone else in the loop at PSU all knew why Sandusky was being made to quietly "retire" a few years back (and in fact were directly responsible for that chosen course of action). The inescapable conclusion is they were convinced - to the point of removing him - that he was committing sex acts with children. And since they allowed him to just walk away they are responsible for each and every criminal act Sandusky may have committed between his retirement and his indictment. I other words, they didn't have the authority to fire him from his charity, did they? Meaning he was still presumably affiliated with that charity, to one degree or another, and had access to kids. Right? My point being, if you have enough evidence to convince you that an employee must be fired over pedophilia, then you have enough evidence to go to the police. You don't just let him walk away, especially when he has a charity that affords him ready access to children! If you're a member of the board of trustees and you're looking at that, combined with the fact that Paterno was a primary shot caller (if not "the" primary), then Joe Pa has to go if for no other reason then he can no longer be trusted to make executive decisions.

By the way, and I say this not in jest but rather because it is news worthy... some years back Sandusky wrote a book based primarily on his "charity" work. The title of the book?


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