Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Full Court Press

Here it is, Tuesday, March 13, Primary Day here in Mississippi.

Today, just from this morning whenever to 3:16PM I have 13 voice mails on my phone. 11 are from Mitt Romney, two for Newt. Eleven calls? Like two per hour since I've rolled out of bed. I am not counting Steve Palazzo's one call, since he has two other Republican candidates gunning for his seat today, and not a word from Wicker, my senator, who also has two other candidiates going after him.

It is very interesting to me to see Romney gunning, and I mean GUNNING for this state. I thought it was Newt that would be pushing for some kind of resurrection movement here. Not a peep from Santorum. Not even a TV ad. I know they were all here, up north. Not sure anyone visited Gulfport or Biloxi.

If Romney wins these Southern states, maybe he feels like he won't need a southern vp candidate... A Barbour like candidate.

Man I hate to think all these phone call ads are going to do the trick. I voted for Santorum.

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