Sunday, March 4, 2012

The participation trophy generation

Limbaugh's comments weren't helpful, but quite frankly I feel Fluke should apologize to me and anyone with an IQ over 60 for that matter. Did you watch this? Her testimony was the most absurd argument, built upon the most the most absurd premise, I have ever listened to. Crying how utterly disenfranchised law students at Georgetown -45k a year - University are because they cant get birth control for free. You know what's free? Abstinence. Condoms. Pulling out. Becoming a Lesbian. Or how about getting your boyfriend to kick in the dough? Yes the poor, oppressed, under privileged students of Georgetown Law are suffering through the indignity of not having birth control covered by insurance via a government mandate - the horror! As Fluke said, "She sees how this effects real people in the faces of women on campus." Oh shut your pie hole Yoko.

By her own admission she's there on a "public assistance scholarship." Listen doll, pumpkin, cupcake, can I run something by you? I'm already paying for your God D---- tuition, so how's about you put in that Wendy's application, buy your own screw pills, and send me a thank you note at Thanksgiving? How's about that, huh?

She was trotted out there, script in hand, by Nancy Pelosi as part of this effort to keep the spectacle of contraception in the forefront thus avoiding ANY talk about the abysmal economic/energy record of this President. I am convinced that is why they went after the Catholic Church - they'd rather take their chances debating social issues (although the Church mandate is about conscience, not contraception) then get anywhere near talk on the economy or prices at the pump.

And thats my bigger problem with Rush's slut comments (which he has now apologized for), it gave the story more exposure, thus the other side more deflection material. But if we're talking whom made the more outrageous statement, Fluke has Limbaugh beat by a mile.

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