Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The day of days...

In preparation for Operation Overlord, the British Isles became a juggernaut of militarization.

-39 divisions
-3 million men
-4,500 tanks
-221 destroyers
-1,000 mine sweepers
-22 battleships
-93 torpedo boat destroyers
-4,000 landing craft
-800 merchant men
-800 ships of various size and capacity
-12,000 planes

And our current president couldn't find ONE SECOND to stop and officially commemorate this historical anniversary (smart money says he didn't do it privately either). Reagan flew to Normandy to mark the 40th, and his current successor has yet to do so once, in 3 years. Maybe he'll tweet it (enter nausea here).

Speaking of historical...

I received numerous solicitations to financially aide the honorable Scott Sky-Walker (I want a nickel every time somebody uses that!) in his battle with the dark side. I didn't contribute. However, I now have "non-buyers remorse." Calling it historical is no mere hyperbole. He is the first governor in American history to successfully fend off a recall. And here's why - he didn't back down. He simply went to the people of Wisconsin and said "look at the numbers, this is working." Unemployment down, deficit smashed, and that last number, the one Titus mentioned, is most damning of all: 54% of all dues paying union members opted to stop paying. In essence, recalling their membership. In one instance membership dropped from 63,000 to 28,000. Still another plummeted from 32,000 down to 7,100. These were dues paying members! If you can't convince them of your position, how in the hell do you convince a majority of your fellow non-union Wisconsin-ites? Short answer: you don't. The jig is up, we are on to you. It took record national deficits, a housing and banking crisis, and barren state coffers across the fruited plain to jolt us awake, but Americans are now on to the scam of endless spending and the absolute money laundering scheme that is public employee unionization (or is it ionization? No matter, I digress). Even American history's undisputed heavy weight champion of progressive policy, FDR himself, was opposed to public sector unions. The scam is basic: union bosses keep congressman X (or governor, or local rep, depending on whether it's a state or federal employee union) flush with campaign cash. Then that same elected official sits across the table from his union boss sugar daddy and "negotiates" the wages and pensions of the union members. How could that go wrong? Funny enough, the most conservative Democrat president of the 20th century, JFK, allowed this to start. I have to believe that someone with a bent nose and a last name ending in a vowel made this request that Jack "couldn't refuse."

At any rate, the grand lesson here is that every single Republican governor (or any blue-dog Dem) in the country should now have a spine of steel. In case they missed it, once again from the cheap seats - a Republican beat the Left and labor unions, in Wisconsin, even with Madison boasting a curious 110% voter turn out. Got that GOP? See what works Mitt? I hope so, because the main event is in exactly five months and your opponents are waiting on Patton in Calais.

1 comment:

F. Ryan said...

By the way, is it just me or do you prefer the old blogger posting format too?