Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Want evidence of inflation? How's this...

I live in a pretty small town.  Three gas stations, two small markets and a Walmart, two bars and two doughnut shops.

My son was having such a good week this week, and since the morning was going exceptionally well, I decided to treat him to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast.  That doesn't happen very often.  So I go in and order a dozen frosting-covered baked delights, and the bill comes to $7.79.  I'm shocked!  I'm thinking to myself that it would have been less than six bucks, but here it is almost eight instead.  However, I pay the girl behind the counter and load up my treats into the car.

As I'm unloading the goodies, I notice a receipt on the floor of the car that has the logo of the same doughnut shop on it, and stoop to pick it up.  It is dated 2-21-13, and is for one dozen doughnuts... total price?


In only ten months, the local price for a dozen raised frosted doughnuts has increased by 34%, or $1.95... with no appreciable improvement in size, quantity or quality of product.

This tells me that the dollars I'm earning at work are rapidly becoming less and less valuable by the week.  That, my friends, is inflation.

It also tells me that I need to clean the car far more often than I do.

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