Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dripping with hypocrisy ...

I would have to quit my job and abandon my family were I intent on laying out each and every hypocritical, doomed to fail, foolish approach to government this administration and their confederates in Congress are attempting - from the auto industry, to currency policy, China, North Korea, the Supreme Court, etc. So I'll just stick with an easy, basic example today that I noticed got MY better half's dander up, undoubtedly due to the clear domestic aspects ...

Recently the PoTUS went on a "date night" with his wife, the First Lady. This phrase: date night, is truly a post baby boomer concept that undoubtedly arose out of the busy household created within the two-income family. Don't get me wrong, I embrace it, but I can't help and chuckle at the thought of my father, let alone my WWII era Grandfather, hearing me state that I'm going on "date night" with my own wife. They simply took their wive's "out." In their world if as a married man you were attempting a "date", it was with another woman ... but I digress.

The president took Mrs. Obama on a date. Ok, no real problem there, he has a fairly busy job, a date night (even for a man I viscerally disagree with) is rationale. They attended a Broadway Play ... on Broadway, the street, in New York City. Still I don't have a problem here, he's a multimillionaire and certainly not the first to whist his spouse away in dramatic fashion. Now not wanting to send the wrong signal in a down economy with people "hurting" as he has oft repeated, he decided not to use Air Force One. Well, that's not exactly true. Technically ANY fixed wing craft the president travels in has that call signal designation, "Air Force One." I mention that because instead of the traditional presidential plane he fired up a chartered Gulf Stream Jet and "jetted" over to the play & dinner with his wife. Of course he's the president, so to accommodate accompanying "staff and reporters" they chartered a total of 3 jets ... for his date ... you know I remember the last time I scheduled a date with my girl, I mean planning on where my staff was going to sit alone was a monster project ... I'll skip ahead less I wonder imprudently into a mossy field of bad puns regarding "staffs & dates."

Ok Ryan, what's the beef? He is the president, it's not like he can shuttle over on the metro, just the two of them. Well ... does anyone remember the Detroit auto executives? They had the audacity to charter private jets in order to attend a Capitol Hill hearing, a hearing required by the Congress. And every Democrat (& a few Republicans) especially the PoTUS, excoriated them, filleted them alive for the absolute "slap in the face" it was to have accepted tax payer money and then brazenly "jet around" while tax payers, the COMMON MAN was hurting out there. Citi Bank too was eviscerated by the PoTUS for its' private jet use & flatly told to "fix it" (the image problem caused by private jet use, i.e. dump the new planes).

Here is a man that has systematically slandered the "CEO class" as the scum of the earth, financial predators, out of touch with the average American, guilty of the worst kinds of wealthy over indulgences, yet HE as "the" CEO, the head honcho, the "capo di tutti capi" (boss of all bosses), HE can go on a date fit for a voice over from Robin Leach with 100% tax payer money, and there is zero outcry? See this is what we mean by pointing out that he's never run a business, never met a payroll. Any CEO worth his salt would have scheduled a brief stop for business & presto you write the whole thing off as a "business trip." The tens of thousands in federal dollars that it cost is yet to be released by the White House, but they were quick to point out that Barry DID in fact pay the $96.50 for the two tickets ... to a play produced by a man whom has a sign over his office door: "Whites Need Not Apply." I'm sure Bush wouldn't of caught heat for any of that ... he being a man whose inability to exit the correct door after a speech in Beijing was a 3 day story on MSNBC ... speaking of them:

As I'm sure you all know a "doctor" named George Tiller was gunned down in his Reformed Lutheran Church, by the way, how much "reforming" must a Christian sect do to wrap their morals around giving a late term abortionist communion? At any rate, he was killed. Subsequently it has been, if not the lead, a part of every news day for each of the 6 large televised news agencies (NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox, ABC, CBS). However the story has morphed into a crtique, most notably at MSNBC, of conservative talkers, specifically Bill O'Reilly. While a text crawl at the bottom of the screen asked "Did words kill?", that station went on to candidly blame O'Reilly et al for Tiller's death because of their vocal, public opposition to late term abortions. Playing clips of O'Reilly stating "Tiller the killer", they & their NARAL gal guests flatly accused the Factor host of inciting this type of violence, and this murder in specific. Now it IS true that O'Reilly vehemently opposed this "doctor." It is true he found his practice, which specialized in late term nearly illegal abortions, vile in the extreme, and said so. But dear Mr. and Mrs. MSNBC, if this is to be the standard, I point to Exhibit A: Muslim Guns Down 2 Military Recruiters In Arkansas. Whom among the media was more viscerally critical of our military operations then MSNBC, the Oberhmans, et al? Was it not a Democrat Senator (from IL no less) that stood on the floor of the Congress and exclaimed that our troops at GITMO were no better then the Gestapo, Soviet gulag guards, or thugs in Pol Pot's regime? Was it not Time Magazine that published the Abu Ghrab pictures that misrepresented the majority of US soldiers using a hyper minority? Clearly this Muslim, this domestic terrorist, whom specifically stated to FBI interrogators that he attacked: "because of what they're doing to Muslims", was spurred on to his evil acts by Oberhmann, Durbin, Time, and all their cohorts whom have missed no opportunity to malign the mission of our soldiers if not the soldiers themselves.

Private William Long, 23 years old, weeks out of basic training, having never seen combat, went for a smoke 1 June outside of the Army-Navy Career Center. He wasn't even a regular recruiter, just helping out that day. 23 year old Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad then drove up and gunned him down in cold blood. An acquaintance, Private Quinton Ezeagwula, 18 years old & a fellow smoker, fresh out of basic, shot and bleeding to death managed to crawl back in doors. He is recovering in an Arkansas hospital. And out of each of these 6 news agencies only one gave this story as much attention as the Tiller slaying. And I can imagine you could guess which one that was.

I don't blame the Oberhmanns. It wouldn't be intellectually honest. I blame Abdulhakim & the vicious ideology the Tennessean studied while in Yemen, because I can recognize evil, nonnegotiable, irreconcilable, in need of defeat, EVIL. And I do blame the Oberhmanns and Dick Durbins of the world for their inability to do the same.

Our prayers go out to the Long family.

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