Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The sum of all conservative fears.

In addition to the flat out nationalization of 2 out of the 3 big US car companies; the back door nationalizing of multiple major financial institutions; the expiration of the Bush tax cuts; & unsustainable spending & debt that will eventually reach an 80% to GDP ratio (on par with the best of the banana republics the world over), we can now add three more delectable Marxist entrees ...

1.) For the dining pleasure of all you Bolshevik fans out there, a new "Pay Czar" is being named. This "pay master" as he has been referred to will cap CEO salaries of bail out recipient companies in the short term & aim to do the same with all CEO salaries in the long term (& that's not my editorializing). The PoTUS illuminated: "These types of high salaries and bonuses are what contributed to the financial crisis in the first place." Does that sound like a man intent on stopping with a few bail out banks?

2.) The FBI, having skilled interrogators, has been working with military commanders since soon after the invasion of Afghanistan in order to illicit information needed for battlefield operations. But for the first time we will now mirandize captured enemy combatants. Yes goat head-tossing sports fans! The orders were quietly issued by Obama via the DOJ to read them their rights ... can you imagine? You catch an information rich prime terror target on the field of battle and the first thing you have to tell him as you start the interrogation is "you have the right to remain silent." That ought to work out just peachy. One must realize this is a prelude to opening up the plethora of due process requirements, up to and including compelling the soldiers that captured a given terrorist to appear as a witnesses in court! This is clearly a toss back to a 9/10 mentality, viewing the war on terror (quite literally given this is occurring IN theater) as a law enforcement mandate. And worse, it will surely cost some soldier's their life, as this was our method to garnering actionable battlefield Intel.

3.) President Obama will announce within days the socialization of medicine within the US. Republicans on the Hill are "stunned" at the sweeping magnitude of "change" being offered by the administration with almost no input from Sr. GOP members. And "Obamacare" is not included in his reinstituting "pay go" or pay as you go, noting the source of the revenue for any new spending. Which is a fiscal mirage concerning this president, a rouse, an excuse to justify raising taxes be it the VAT or, and they're serious about this, taxing the value of your current private health care insurance as income.

And I should mention at this point the administration asserts they have already "saved or created" 150,000 jobs in the first 100 days; and given a renewed effort to ramp up the rate "stimulus" dollars will be flying out the door, they claim they will do the same for 600,000 more jobs over the next 100 days.

Uh huh ... is it just me or did unemployment climb from 8% to 9.4% since he took the oath of office? So the number can go up ... but ... still down ... umm, what?? Can I get a list of these jobs? I find this curious in the extreme because even if you believe (and it does take a notable amount of "faith") Keynesian economics works, only $44 billion of the $787 billion has even been spent as of yet. Of course I can't "disprove" his numbers if they'll give no specifics nor source. So if that's the standard I am here today to proudly proclaim that Bush stopped 900 trillion terrorist attacks because potential Jihadists were so scared by "shock & awe", making Iraq justifiable to the most doubting of eyes. How's that Barry? I think I like your rather inventive "neo-success bar."

So there you have it.

Surely it wont be long until Christmas is moved to May 1st ... viva la change!

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