Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Furthermore ...

The talking point for Obama apologists in recent days is crying, "racism."

Members of the House have flatly accused Rep Joe Wilson of racism. That this explains his break in decorum when shouting, "you lie" during the president's joint address. Maureen Dowd, that bastion of reason and logic (choke, cough ... gag), said all that was missing was, "you lie, boy."

In addition all the alphabet soup stations, most notably NBC, have described the DC "tea party marchers" as hate filled, violent, and of course - racist. Brian Williams, in a shocking display of "shadowy" journalism described the marchers this way: "The recent march on DC by protesters, a certain number of which were carrying racist and violent themed signs, ..."

Seriously, a "certain number", that's journalism? It may be, but it certainly isn't reporting.

See, this is when I know they are on the ropes - they revert to calling us racist. But the coupe de tat was bringing in that master of race relations, Jimmy Carter, whom noted on NBC, and I quote: "An overwhelming portion of the opposition to President Obama is because he is a black man."

So let me restate my above - I know they are on the ropes when they roll out Carter to do their dirty work. He's like "Mikey", they look around the room and say, "who here will say ANYTHING, no matter how ridiculous?" Then they tap the arm with 2 fingers and shout, "bring in the lefty", and presto, we have Carter being featured in the main stream media as a voice of reason.

It would be laughable if these guys weren't in power.

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