Saturday, June 18, 2011

Constitutional Showdown

I posted some weeks ago that the president of the United States was in violation of the law. A 1973 statute allows the president, in his capacity as CIC, to commit combat forces for up to 90 days at his discretion, thereafter needing explicit authorization from congress. We are approaching 120 days in Libya. Speaker Boehner is threatening to cut off funding.


Does anyone get the fact that there's more at stake here than funding? The PoTUS actually defended his actions by saying the bombing runs targeting Libyan regulars quote, " does not constitute hostilities." And Harry Reid announced that there's no need to seek congressional authorization because, "This will be over before we know it." Lets set aside the fact that Reid has the IQ of a warm salad, because it has now broke that both Obama's pentagon and Department of Justice advised him he must seek congressional approval to go past the 90 days.

Look, you only have to cross the Rubicon once to fundamentally change your government, forever. If the president is allowed unconditional control of our armed forces with no declaration of war or congressional authority of any kind then what is to stop him from entering us into another Vietnam ... from violating posse comitatus?

Where are you civil libertarians that protested LBJ on the Left? And to the GOP, especially the 90's holdovers, is such a violation not at least AS impeachable as lying about a stained dress? Grow a set already ... this is bigger than you.

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