Friday, June 17, 2011

The Graduate...

Today, our Katey graduates high school.

With all the preperations for the gathering and as much work as had to be done yesterday, I haven't thought much about the actual fact of her graduation. This morning, though, I have thought about it.

I met her when she was 11 years old, and she has done a lot of growing up since then. She's a little, tiny thing even now... but inside that petite little shape is a tough cookie. She made some plans with her friends yesterday that weren't shared with us, and some confusion resulted right in the middle of several rather large projects. Tempers on both sides got a little hot, but when I had a chance to talk to her, we seemed to have gotten things straightened out to everyone's satisfaction. She got back to the house safe and sound (with her brother in tow) well before the 3AM cerfew we had set.

I'm very proud of you, Katey Jean... very proud indeed. I love you very much, and I am sure you'll have all the luck and fun you can handle in the months ahead.

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