Tuesday, August 16, 2011

An era of extremes...

That's what this election cycle is shaping up to be.

On the one side you have the remnants of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid followers who are convinced that taxing the rich (which equals taxing most of the moderate and large business owners/employers) and deficit spending will fix all the world's troubles by growing government's ability to control and dictate the private sector as readily as it dictates the public sector.

On the other side, you have the "Tea Party" favorites, who are rapidly being seen as even worse than the LAST Congress because there is nothing getting done via compromise and debate. Every single GOP candidate to date has vowed that there would be "no new taxes", even if that new tax was coupled with a 10-to-1 reduction in spending... and the same promise is going to be rung out of most of our Senate and House hopefuls, too.

Once again, I'm frustrated that the GOP won't stick to their guns and deliver a PLAN with consistent goals and objectives that counters the obvious and measurable failings of the liberal agenda. Congressman Ryan's plan has all but faded into oblivion in the last 9 months... and no real replacement has been forthcoming.

Has the GOP forgotten that the "incumbent" always has the edge? Whether its the House, Senate or Oval Office... the incumbent has the advantage in an election cycle. For the next 15 months, Obama can simply point to GOP partisanship and say "It's their fault, not mine!" and the historical record tells us 54% of the voting population will believe him over the opposition candidates. The only exceptions to this edge are when the opposition can plainly show an alternative to the incumbent's policies... as Reagan did in 1980 to Carter's policies.

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