Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The worst...

This is no Tea Party "victory." I don't know how or why this is the narrative in the main stream press, but it is. Actually, that's not true, I DO know why that's the narrative, but let me stay on point. This debt ceiling deal is no victory for we, the simpatico to Tea Party aspirations.

Let start here - we (in the form of Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, etc) were branded "extremists" by the Democrat Party AND senior members of the GOP whom do not care for this grass roots usurping of their authority. For instance McCain referred to them as "hobbits." See Boehner rewrote the previously submitted bill to include a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. So McCain, on the floor of the United States Senate, said "He caved to these Hobbits, rewrote the bill, so they could return to Middle Earth, confident that they defeated evil, Mordor." It was DRIPPING with sarcasm and condescension. By the way, I'm not sure if Johnny knows, but the hobbits were good guys. At any rate, what was this "extreme" Tea Party insistence? A balanced budget amendment that balanced our national check book over the next 8 years and required that government not hold more than 20% debt to GDP. This recent debt ceiling raise, of 2.7 Trillion dollars, puts us at 100% debt to GDP. THAT is extreme plan? An 8 year balanced budget? 20% debt to GDP? That's an extremists position? It used to be called an accountant. The world's upside down when 100% debt to GDP is considered by the mainstream of both parties as the logical way forward and a balanced budget is the extreme. Isn't Clinton's claim to fam a balanced budget? What the hell is going on in that town? In the end, the Tea Party requestwas not included in the "compromise bill."

Here's what was (stripped down to nuts and bolts) - the GOP leadership agreed to the President's requested increase of 2.7 Trillion. In exchange they got a "panel." A panel of 6 Republicans and 6 Democrats who will come up with suggestions to the congress (that they all promised to abide by) on how to come up with an equal amount - 2.7 trillion - in "savings." Here's the catch(es). 1.) If you vote against the final bill you are excluded from this panel. No Tea Party member (that sticks to his/her guns that is) will be on that panel, period. 2.) Tax increases are not off the table as an avenue to "pay" for the 2.7 in cuts. 3.) If this panel, if this blue ribbon committee, can not come to a consensus on what to do there is an automatic trigger in cuts. Where? 2 primary places - defense and Medicare. But not Medicare in general, ONLY to the payments to the providers. So if no consensus (come to by a panel of Republicans not serious about debt and Democrat loyalists) is achieved then not only is defense gutted (as we fight 3 wars no less), but doctors will stop taking Medicare patients, they don't work for free, which will have people screaming for a new Obamacare single payer style system.

I've said it before and I feel even more confident in it now - the GOP is on a slow road to suicide. It may take a generation for it to unfold, it won't die easy. But as sure as I'm sitting here the GOP will be replaced by a Tea Party brand, because we take the time to find out what is actually in the deal rather tan relying on CNN, and we will not continue to stand for the likes of Lindsey Graham, McCain, McConnell and Boehner.

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