Saturday, August 27, 2011


I know... I'm not typically a fan of the profanity on the blog. I just keep associating this named storm with the "go signal" from the movie Blackhawk Down: Irene.

Rain total projections are now over 7 inches here in NEPA for Sunday, and that is going to make my old, leaky basement a very wet area, I can tell you. Liz and I just got all the essentials off the floor and as high as possible, placing the pump in the needed area and getting all ready for the inevitable rising water. We can handle about 150 gallons an hour... but more than that and we're fighting a losing battle. More than 20" of rainwater in the basement, and the furnace is flooded. It's not cold enough to need the furnace, but the added expense of having it cleaned and serviced is supremely inconvenient right now.

Couple this with the near certainty that we will lose power for at least a portion of the storm (meaning the pump won't run at all), and you see the problem shaping up before our eyes. Our power seems intimately tied with that of northern New Jersey (not sure if this is true, or why, if it is true), and they are expecting rolling outages of several hours of blackout, at least. We can weather the outages... we have water, oil, candles and food galore... but the pump needs juice to run.

I know... how can a Katrina survivor NOT have a generator? I just never seem to have the scratch to buy one.

Fun, fun... I move all this way to AVOID hurricanes, and here I am: prepping again for another storm.


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