Monday, August 8, 2011


As I am also pressed for time.

On Titus' point, their are 3 obvious answers to me. 1) "numbers." You got 14 guys with shaved heads & old school Nikes sipping Hemloch in a basement, you have a cult. You have 140 million doing so & you have a "religion." And that's my way of pointing out that the phrase "Islamic Terrorism" becomes apt when amongst this wide array of terrorist networks, nations, nationalities & skin color their professed religion is the single unifying factor. Lone nuts do not get the identifier of a wider community when they are, well, alone. 2) and more important is the "goal." Was the Norway shooter killing with the aim of supplanting the democratic form of government in his nation with a Christian theocracy? Because the end game of Islamic terrorism is to install Sharia law from one end of the planet to the other. They want an all Islamic government. I understand the Norway shooter wanted multiculturalism stopped and saw it as the end of his country as he knew it, but did he want an unelected Christian rule of law to replace the Labor Party or a return to what he saw as "the good old days?" Because those are 2 very different things. 3) A wider acceptance within the killers professed religious community. What are Bin Laden's poll numbers in Saudi Arabia? Yemen? Syria? Do any "Christian States" fund Christian terror groups as Iran does Hezbollah,or members of the Saudi Royal family do Al Qaeda? Is their a single priest, Catholic, Protestant or Mormon, that has come out in support of the Norway shooter as Imams both West & East defend HAMAS?

I would argue that Al Qaeda, HAMAS, in each of my 3 categories earn their religious identifier where as the sick, demented mass murderer in Norway did not.

Now, as to what I signed in to post on...

How many times have you heard, from President Obama apologists on TV and in your own life, "Well he inherited a ..." and they go on to fill in the X, Y, & Z horrible mess Bush left Barak. The economy, unemployment, bail outs, Obama's inability to mend any of these national problems is at naseaum blamed on what he inherited from Bush. Here's the comeback: "Well, he inherited a triple A credit rating too."

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