Friday, August 7, 2009


The words inscribed above hell's gates in Dante's Inferno (and yes, I did read it once, along time ago, in a galaxy far, far away).

I wanted to post briefly on the fraternal twin brothers hypocrisy and hubris, whom have made their home low these many years within the mainstream press.

One after another CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, as I flip through news coverage today, are leading their health care "reform" coverage with the various town hall meetings that congress is attending on their summer break. Now I'm sure that you've seen the footage: impassioned speakers tick off the reasons they're pissed, be it their representatives not reading the various bills being passed; proposed government control of health care; bailouts; etc, and the crowd responds by bursting into applause and verbal approval. Representatives and Senators across the fruited plain have been so routinely shouted down at their own events that directives from on high (the DNC/White House) have gone out to STOP hosting these things until a health care vote has occurred, less more Democrat Senators show up YouTube looking like the answer vacant buffoons they are.

Well, the afore mentioned coverage has almost exclusively led with the assertion that these various town halls are simply staffed with ringers, phonies, paid, organized hacks, but the seemingly agreed upon pejorative is referring to them as "ORGANIZED MOBS", enter the silhouette of Alfred Hitchcock and an evil laugh hahahahaha ... wait, see there, it's Mr. Smithers gratuitously rubbing his bony hands together as he directs his right wing minions to descend upon the lowly congressman!

I mean, seriously? They're ALL paid right wing organizers huh? First off, that's absurd on the face of it - ya, the CATO insatitute sent out its' militant wing to channel the ghost of William F. Buckley and storm the compound ...err... town halls of Democrat Senators the nation over ... I'm sure.

But secondly, when did "organized mobs" become a bad thing to the left? For what else describes union rallies, ACORN protests, anywhere Jesse Jackson goes with his "Chicago busloads" at $10 a head? Or for that matter the anti Vietnam War protests and Civil Rights, both of which were almost exclusively "organized" in some form or another. What? Selma & the march on Washington were spontaneous eruptions of coincidental timing? Please, uh. And if I'm not mistaken our Commander-In-Chief presented as his "chief" accomplishment nothing other than community organizing!

One thing is for sure - in this epic struggle to defeat the most socialistic president to ever hold the office, as Titus aptly described him, the so called "main stream" press have picked their side, more so then with any other candidate. They are invested financially & emotionally in this president and they will not let him go down without a fight - even if it means demonizing their own viewers.

So in my humble estimation, as the specifics of our President's various plans begin to turn more and more people away from his vision of America and result in a majority opposition, the insults of intelligence and person hurled at the average American in recent days has only just begun.

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