Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ok, this one cracks me up ...

This is among the numerous examples of why politicians will forever be the butt of jokes.

On the radio today a Boston Herald reporter described a little known situation going on within Massachusetts state politics. It appears that during John Kerry's run for the presidency his senior colleague Senator Kennedy (among others) became distressed. See, were the Jr. senator to win, Mitt Romney, a Republican governor, would be in a position to fill the vacated seat, and he would most assuredly appoint a Republican. Well, perish the thought. So with the majority Democrat held state legislature Mr. Ted Kennedy was able to see that the law was amended. The new law stated that the seat would simply remain vacant until the next federal elections, which of course occur every two years. I don't know which demonstrates worse judgement - that they amended a long standing state law to suit immediate political needs or that they actually believed Kerry would win.

Flash forward a few years to August, 2009 - they now have a Democrat Governor. And Senator Kennedy is unfortunately facing the prospect of his passing away within weeks or months (say the reports out of his home state). Well, there is a problem. Right at the moment in time that President Obama has finally gotten a 60 vote majority in the Senate, and in the middle of trying to pass Senator Kennedy's chief legislative goal for years now - public health insurance - Democrats are looking at the possibility of Kennedy's senate seat sitting vacant until 2010 were he to pass away, removing any possibility of forcing health care through a filibuster should they need the partisan votes! So, Senator Kennedy and his cohorts are doing what "politicians" do ... he wrote a letter urging they change the law back. Which has even state Democrat officials looking at each other asking ..."really?"

I assert that they should simply out law the Republican Party within the state and be done with it. They can hold "red scare" style public hearings ... "Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Republican party?"

How these people maintain a straight face when they talk is beyond me.

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