Monday, August 24, 2009

Just enough rope...

... that is what this Administration was given in November. Not a "mandate" from the masses, but just enough rope to hang themselves with.

Holder has reneged on his promise to NOT appoint special prosecutors to investigate the CIA and its activity since 2001. He DID appoint the prosecutor and he DID open the investigation into illegal activities spanning the entire Bush Presidency.

I feel this is the worst kind of political pandering immaginable, and that it can only lead to disaster for the Administration. Here's why:

In 2004, the CIA instituted an agency-wide investigation of itself and submitted a COMPLETE record of that investigation to Congress, where it was accepted unanimously in both Houses as complete and comprehensive, putting to rest the claims that initial CIA intelligence gathering techniques were illegal, unethical or unConstitutional. We thought...

This investigation was conducted by "non-governmental" prosecutors (meaning they weren't Bush appointees... but they must have worked for the Government at some time, or they wouldn't be prosecutors, right?) and the entire, unredacted report of their findings was submitted to Congress AGAIN in 2006 (with Nancy and Harry at the helm) where it was AGAIN accepted as proof on no illegal, unethical or unConstitutional conduct or actions by the CIA or its agents in regards to the detention of suspected terrorists. You can read it yourself HERE.

The ONLY aspect of this report that led to the prosecution (and conviction) of any wrong-doing was a CIA interrogator that was convicted of manslaughter for beating a detainee to death. This prosecution was initiated by the CIA itself... not the AGs office, not by the ACLU, not by some fringe elements of Code PINK... the CIA itself recognized criminal behavior and, with Congressional blessings in 2006, had the man arrested, tried and is doing his time.

My point is that, even if they find something WRONG in the report now, we (meaning right-thinking, rational human beings) can point to Congress and say "Why wasn't this worthy of further investigation in 2004? 2006? 2008?" What "public" good can come from releasing a report that Congress has already read and studied for more than four years? If there wasn't anything that Nancy or Harry could find "wrong" in it then... what do they hope to find wrong now?

Furthermore, I'm curious to see how the radical anti-American elements that so hate the military and intelligence services of this nation react when it is explained that no facet of CIA detention and interrogation techniques were NOT approved (or at least understood and accepted) by the majority of Congressional Committee members in BOTH houses. Not one action that hasn't been prosecuted already (as in the case mentioned above) wasn't seen as "legal" by ALL Congressional oversight and budgetary approval organs between 2002 and this very day.


How can this NOT be the same as taking a loaded shotgun, bringing it up to your shoulder and aiming at a target... only to realize that the gun is backwards and the barrel is pointing right at your face? No, this is the fruit of true, absolute partisan politics. Nothing "good" can come of this for Obama and the Left.

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