Thursday, August 6, 2009

Let me be clear ...

... I don't think we are nearing the end of the American experience, however, I do think that is precisely the aim of President Barak Obama. My point being that I "feel as if the movie is ending" upon hearing him speak, describe his plans for America and the "fundamental transformation" (a favorite phrase of his) of one after another sector of the US economy. It is during those moments, and the thought that the GOP may be too spineless, inept and anemic to stop his actualizing the transformation of America as constituted, that I find the despair described in my last post. And let us make no mistake about it, he is on record stating he feels the Constitution is "incomplete" and the American experience is not "radical enough." He aims to remake us in his ideology's image, and that should scare the bat snot out of us all.

Now as to the Republicans, I disagree that opposition politics almost never works. Obama ran for president longer than any other human being in our history on nothing more than opposition politics, empty slogans & phrases, void of anything measurable and specific until post election. It does work, however, opposition AND a coherent alternative works better, see Newt Gingrich circa 1994. But the problem isn't that the GOP is doing one & not the other, the problem is they're doing NEITHER. And I assume (perhaps I'm wrong) you mean to indict Limbaugh et al as among those doing nothing more than "opposing."All due respect, Rush Limbaugh IS NOT the head of the Republican Party. Neither is Hannitty, Beck (though I scarcely doubt he'd even want the job), nor any other wildly popular conservative commentator. It IS their job to comment on the days political events, so of course THEY are engaging in "opposition commentary", they do after all oppose the current administration, but it is NOT their job to propose legislative alternatives. RE ENTER the anemic GOP. They've managed to make 2 headlines in recent months and both involved the resignation of a governor. They aren't "opposing" effectively at all. They are by no means behind these justifiable, orderly public demonstrations be it the tea party events, or the recent town hall meetings that see Democrat Party leaders being shouted down at their own events. The elected Republicans are the lagging indicator here, following the lead of common sense, traditional Americans be they Independents or conservatives.

So, while I see no backbone, nor directional organization among the GOP, and only a whimper of an opposition, I do have every faith that the individuals whom make up this country, that have freedom bred in their very DNA, that show up to tea party events, stand toe to toe with Arlan Specter and call for something in chanted voice that should be a given, such as: "READ THE BILL, READ THE BILL", those Americans, we all will defeat these nonsensical, anti-liberty, collectivist, neoMarxist absolute rubbish policies being espoused from the White House, and if the Republican Party officials and elected representatives don't hurry to join our choir, I have one word for them: WIGS.

But if I feel the need to express, lament or unload the fantastically up hill battle we have, or the feelings evoked as I hear the President speak, as I did in my last, I will continue to recite the maudlin hyperbole's here despite their momentary, if not clever, abandonment of perpsective ... if for no other reason then there just aren't enough 1812 references in your responses.

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