Thursday, August 6, 2009

Crazy Joe McCloskey...

I just wanted to be very clear... I am NOT acting as an apologist for Obama's programs and policies. His collectivist-attitude towards government is as dangerous as we have seen in modern history... EVER, in fact, since this level of socialization hasn't been seen before in the Oval Office.

I think B.O. has two things working against him as President:

1) His inability to push for legislation/policies that might FAIL and thus stain his reputation/legacy, and

2) His inability to articulate his vision in a manner that the majority of Americans can support without needing the pundits on the Left and in the media to explain and detail while removing all the "uhs", "ums", and "ahs" from the speech.

Couple this with his rampant and blatantly obvious need to be seen as "successful" where everyone else has failed, and he is setting himself up to be (at best) a very mediocre President.

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