Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Glenn Beck... again...

Tough to deny this quote... made yesterday on his radio broadcast: "There was a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a little like the Hitler youth, or, whatever. I mean, who does a camp for kids that's all about politics. Disturbing,"

However, I could let this slide as a faux pas but for the comments that followed it (which none of the rags and media outlets cared to pick up on).

He rambled on about some kind of monologue that he had delivered last year predicting exactly this sort of attack in Europe. Why was he able to predict this attack so "precisely"? Because the Europeans had replaced kings and monarchs with "other" big-government organs... you know, like "communism" and "fascism". Thus, there is no difference between European "left wing" and European "right wing"... they both represent big government and are both wrong. The US, on the other hand, has the "left" longing for big, bloated government, and the "right" longing for small, almost non-existent government.

Honestly... this is a load of crap from beginning to end. Europe is replete with the history of representative government. It is the cradle of it, in fact. The oldest extant example of a republican nation is in Europe (San Marino), as is the first historical example (the Roman Republic) established in 500 BC. Every monarchy that still exists in Europe (and there are many... they are not all gone) is bound to the will and dictates of a popularly elected representative body and a constitution. Absolute monarchy does not exist in Europe... in fact, the only place it does exist is in the Muslim monarchies of the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Blaming this tragedy on "multiculturalism" is just as bad as blaming this tragedy on non-existent "commies" and "fascists" running things in Europe today. You can't point to the Norwegian monarchy and say "Here is the problem!", nor can you point to the current ruling party in Norway as the cause. The only cause for this sort of tragedy is the bent and twisted thinking of intolerant individuals bent on forcing THEIR will and wants on the rest a population or society... which is exactly what the crackpot responsible for this was trying to do. This crazy was hell-bent on following a path of violence and murder that was 100% antithetical to the very precepts of the society he was supposedly "defending" from Islamic and multicultural influences... and that is the failing of such movements each and every time.

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