Thursday, July 7, 2011


No one that has watched even a moment of TV news or listened to even a minute of talk radio has missed the Casey Anthony story, right? Mother of murdered toddler found "not guilty" by a jury of her peers, even though the media of most of the world had her convicted months ago.

I keep seeing the word "travesty" thrown up in regards to this story. In its modern form the word literally means "to ape" or to simulate in a degrading manner, whatever is being imitaded... in this case, justice.

Comparisons to OJ Simpson abound, of course... and rightly so. Both cases were high profile and followed obessively by the media and the public. Both cases ended in (basically) criminal aquitals for both of the accused. Both crimes were tragic and heartbreaking to those effected by them.

But was it a travesty? Was this an imitation of actual justice at work? Was this a sham?

The woman had her day in court, and the prosecuters had their opportunity to convince the jury that she was the sole and only hand that killed the poor child... and they failed to do so.

Like it or not, people... this is the "system" here in the United States. It wasn't the "system" that failed to find the guilty party and bring them to swift and sure justice... it was the team investigating, presenting and prosecuting the case against the mother that couldn't convince 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt that she was guilty.

The "system" works just fine... the District Attorney's office in Orange County Florida, however... they might need a little help.

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