Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bill still has it, huh?

Man, can that guy get a crowd riled up.

Still, everyone knew he could talk, and he has only gotten better since that now infamous camera-spot... "I did not have sex with that woman."  (Side note:  Funny how a party so enamored with leftist/liberal groups like NOW and the LoWV can so easily forget that the man lied under oath and was subsequently disbarred from legal practice because of an extra-marital affair during his terms and more than five accusations of sexual misconduct/assault over the course of his political career...)

What I found amazing were two facets of his speech.  First, his ability to give a speech nominating and supporting Barack Obama as President, while managing to plug himself and his former administrations as often as humanly possible without nominating himself.  Out of a 49 minute speech, he must have patted himself on the back at least 18 times, repeatedly comparing the last four years to his eight in office.  I can't fault this, though.  Clinton's legacy is very positive, and connecting this administration's policies to those that Clinton/Gore managed is probably a good strategy.  After all, outside of Clinton, how many "popular" Democratic Presidents have there been in the last fifty years?  They really don't have much success to point to, do they?

Secondly, his zingers.  The guy ripped on the GOP and the Romney/Ryan camp repeatedly, using some pretty harsh words... but he did it with a smile, and never making himself seem like the "hateful" sort of politician that the GOP keeps promoting (his words).  These were world-class slams, mind you... measurable and specific without the need of "quotes" and readily understood to anyone listening... withotu ever managing to sound harsh, bitter or vindictive.  He slapped the GOP while Romney (I think) went out of his way to sound conciliatory to the Dems... which will now be weighed against the DNC speeches.

This was an important speech, and I think Bill did a good job for the Dems.

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