Saturday, September 22, 2012

I hate to say this...

... but F. Ryan is right.  There is no other way to describe what is happening as "falling apart".

I won't... can't is probably more accurate... argue the indefensible ideology that the President and his Cabinet have embraced from the start.  All I can say is that America is still, well... America.  We are a "center-right" nation, at worst... and we are a nation of principles as defined in the Constitution at best.  The vast majority of us want a balance between what the President sees as "rule of law" (larger, more intrusive and influential government) and the personal freedoms and liberties that so many Americans have died to preserve and protect... like the freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and justice fair and swift.  The individual freedoms that the nation was founded on, balanced with the needs of the greater society and how those needs will be met.

I can't imagine how someone could NOT see the hypocrisy of the "left"... but it is plain that millions do not.  That is NOT Obama's fault, nor is it the fault of the "Liberal Left" or the Democratic Party.  It IS the fault of the conservative movement, the GOP and the conservative leadership in Washington (such as it is).  As we here at the Bund have known for more than a decade... the truth is plainly seen.  It simply isn't being presented as well as the lies and distortions that the Left are throwing out there.

The liberal agenda will end once the majority of Americans see, feel and experience the sort of intrusive failures that pseudo-Marxist ideology inevitably bring to any society they are applied to:  all facets of society and the standards by which they are experienced are reduced to the lowest common denominator.  This is the greatest fallacy of the Marxist promise... we are NOT going to be "equal" in the manner that we live/work/play/learn, but instead we are going to be reduced to the lowest possible strata of standards we could hope to impose.  That is the "promise" of socialism:  the chain is only as strong as its weakest link, so the weakest link will measure our "standard".

We seem to have forgotten that the nation our grandparents, parents, and even some of us here, were raised in said that the "standard" by which we measure our society is the highest it could be... the sky being the limit.  Children dreamed of becoming astronauts, scientists, Presidents, rock stars... and followed those dreams as far as their abilities and drive would take them.  The President himself, being the the same generation as myself, was of African descent, raised in Indonesia, went to the finest schools, and has reached the pinnacle of political power... all under that same "sky is the limit" society.  The very society he insists needs to change, be reformed, or transformed, or whatever.

I'm making my bed now... I don't have a good feeling about Romney's chances in November unless something rather drastic happens or is found out in the interim.  I'd be ecstatic if we could hope for an honest investigation by Congress... but let's not hold our breath for that.  I'm just rather worried that, once again, the GOP has dropped the ball and failed to pick it up.

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