Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Where are the warships?

An act of war has been perpetrated on the United States. From time and memorial the assassination of an ambassador has been an open declaration of war. I woke up to the news that two US embassies have been over run - in Egypt and Lybia. In Lybia the ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and two others, were murdered as they tried to flee the consulate. The ambassador was suffocated. Let that sink in - he was smothered to death, up close and personal. It started late Tuesday ... 9/11.

Message received.

This coincides with Israeli PM Netanyahu's open feud with President Obama on when the world will issue a "redline" for Iran, a here and no further demarcation for military action. Israel has said the line should be 20% uranium enrichment, above which would indicate a use other than simple energy use. Our madam SoS said flatly, there will be no redline from the US. Netanyahu responded, "Those unwilling to put a redline in front of Iran, have no right to put a redlight in front of Israel." I agree. The Israeli PM requested to meet in person with the President at the end of this month to discuss the situation. The White House denied the request ... he won't even meet with the man. Yet this month the head of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood will have that face to face meeting, as will David Letterman.

Now here is how these two stories relate ... every Friday the Iranian president participates in the death to America rallies, and routinely, explicitly, articulates the need to wipe Israel off the map. And do you know what started the embassy attacks? An Israeli-American from California posted a You Tube video that supposedly disrespected Mohammad. My point is I am SICK AND TIRED of the West giving the Muslim world a pass on literal and rhetorical barbarism while Israel gets hammered for using rubber bullets on a flotilla and the US is widely condemned for GITMO. What the HELL is wrong with Western Civilization? Europe, the US et al, what is wrong with you? Leftists and media outlets uphold this draconian double standard and the rest of us allow it. By all definitions Sharia Law is a 7th Century mind set. By modern Western standards it allows murder, rape, the subjugation and mutilation of women, racism, and intolerance on a level that should leave any sane person breathless. Don't give me Abu Graib, GITMO, Israel's "disproportionate" response, or Predator Drone collateral damage - WE ARE DEALING WITH ABSOLUTE BARBARIANS. And brother, they are at the gates.

One lesson any student of history should embrace when it comes to the tale of human tragedy  - when a madman stands up and makes a threat, believe him. I predict that Israel will hit Iran's facilities before the November election. Others have suggested this is a win/win for Netenyahu because Obama will need to look like a supporter of Israel while in the middle of a contentious reelection campaign. I disagree, that's not why they'll hit before November. They'll hit Iran because the prospect of genocide is not theoretical for the them. They believe the threats of mad men.

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