Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Michelle's speech...

They said she stole the show... and I believe it.  She gave a great speech.  I loved it.  And I am not being sarcastic.

Here's what I loved about Michelle Obama's speech:

She showed me the value of a hard day's work and an honest, fair wage.  She showed me the success that comes from working towards goals with dignity and determination.  She laid out the importance of a charitable heart in today's society.  She used herself and her husband as a prime example of the limitless nature that American values offer those that do more than simply give it lip-service, but instead live them each and every day.

She should have been giving the speech at the RNC... rather than the DNC.

This speech was great because it took almost EVERY aspect of the conservative agenda and applied it to why the President's plans and policies need another four years.  She detailed the manner and means by which her father put her through college when he didn't have the money himself by taking out and repaying student loans, always on-time.  She told of how he worked hard through a disabling disease to ensure a happy, healthy home for his children.  She explained his integrity and honesty through examples of his pride in and commitment to his children's education and success outside of the home.

She went on to detail how hard her husband worked to come from humble beginnings to the pinnacle of political power, and how he hasn't compromised his principles along the way.  The same man that drove the rusty car and wore shoes a half size too small is sitting right now in the Oval Office awaiting my vote to keep him doing the job that so desperately needs to be done.

How badly has the GOP lost the message, when the First Lady does a better job of selling the "conservative ideal" than the GOP candidates at the RNC?  Is anyone going to point out that both Barack's and her own success came to them even though Obama wasn't President yet?  They succeeded during (and because of, I feel) the policies and agendas put in place during the early 80's... and that means under the leadership of Reagan himself.  How many times have we here compared Michelle's own actions and agendas to those of Nancy Reagan?  Nancy said "Say NO to drugs!" while Michelle says "Say NO to fast food!"  Why the change?  Because Nancy's efforts are still working today, and drug use has been reduced in this country.  The same "choices" in women's health decisions that Michelle spoke of last night exist now, just as they did in the 1980s... nothing has changed, and those choices have grown exponentially, in fact.

She told us that without student loans, neither she nor her husband would have been able to go to college.  That is very possibly true, but it is no less of a factor now than it was then.  They GOT the loans through Federally guaranteed institutions then, and the same loans are available today to even more young adults.  The difference is that the cost of a university education has increased 125% faster than the cost of living has increased.  The knowledge hasn't gotten more expensive... but the people that teach it have, thanks in large part to the unions they belong to.  I feel this was dramatically demonstrated in my home State of Wisconsin just last year.  She, of course, failed to mention this... as I'm sure a large portion of her supporters are members of the NEA.

The long and short of it is simply that the Dems have decided to present their message in the most appealing and expedient manner they can... and they are gaining some real success in their efforts.  They seem to have realized that the public wants clear, measurable details of how things are going to work... and if the rest of the speakers at the DNC follow Michelle's lead, they will have even more success.  They are selling the American Dream as the DNC plan... whether it is true or not.

The GOP had better start doing that very, very soon.

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