Wednesday, December 12, 2007


On Algeria ... I hope the White House staff is reading this. I was watching as FOX broke in with the story. At least 45 were dead at the point I fell back asleep. I hadn't even considered this opportunity I'm ashamed to say - an ally in N Africa, are you kidding me? It would be a fantastic leg up to leave the next PoTUS ... good call Titus.

As to the tiltle ... it stands for Gifted And Talented Education, and my eldest son has been referred to this class for what they refer to as "gifted students"!!! It's a one hour a day class they will have in place of another - a sort of scholastic MENSA club. Sorry, I had to brag on my off spring. I was just so damn proud (did I mention I was in that same class as a lad?)

At any rate, I commented further Jambo about your Carter on steroids tariff approach under the Endor post.

Later ...

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