Monday, December 10, 2007

So I am not a Christian either??

Be careful here chief ...

Mormons believe that Christ is the savior of all mankind. That he died on the cross for our sins. We believe in the New Testament, preach it, live it (presumably). We are members of THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. Jews are not Christians, Muslims are not, we are.

If you contend that because we do not accept the premise of the Trinity - in that God and Christ are the same being, then that is your, very narrow definition of Christianity, and one I reject as the only standard of whether one is a "Christian" or not. I doubt your Pope would agree with you. I could just as easily say (as others have) that Catholics are not truly Christian since they contend there must be an intermediary - the Church - in order to reap the full benefits of Christ's sacrifice and forgiveness. I, however, have not made that claim, and neither should you open your loud mouth to say I am no Christian ... you are wrong.

And the JFK comparison is perfect in the vein it was referenced. Rosy O"Donnell et al claimed that if Romney were elected that a Utah cabal, with our prophet at its head would run the nation. Those same "concerns" were raised over JFK & the Pope PRIOR to his election dufus. I am shocked that you either can't or won't see that clear parallel. But what else should I expect from a clear anti-Mormon bigot?


Titus said...

Okay, I knew this was touch-and-go stuff here, and I ruffled feathers.

First off... I'm not saying Ryan isn't a Christian... I'm saying Ryan isn't a Mormon. If you knew Ryan like I knew Ryan... hehe.

Secondly, as anyone who knows who has followed even this website for any length of time... I'm a stickler for accuracy in terms when we "discuss" topics like religion, politics, history, et al. So, I will try and be very clear here while I quickly make my points, and then we can drop the subject (if it is too touchy). Okay?

I'm not about to argue details here. My understanding of the Mormon faith is barely more than what they detail on their LDS website, but I have a Book of Mormon and I have read the LDS site exhaustively.

To be a Christian, one must believe certain things unequivocally:

There is only ONE God.

There is only ONE Son of God (begotten, not created).

ALL Creation is the work of GOD, through His Son JESUS.

Mormon faith calls believers to strive to become GODS themselves, that Jesus and Lucifer are BROTHERS, CREATED by God, and that both GOD and JESUS were once ordinary Joe Schmoes like you and me... just on some other planet, and that NON-WHITE people were CREATED by Lucifer, not God... and until they turn WHITE, they can't go to heaven.

Now... understand that at NO POINT am I saying Mormons are WRONG, BAD or EVIL... I won't even call them a CULT (popular term since Romney gave his speech). They are faith-filled, honest, family-focused, lawfull and PROUD Americans giving a clear example of what LIVING a faith-guided life can mean even in a secular, materialist world like the one we live in and they practice their undeniably Judeo-Christian theology with no judgement or prejudice (something very few Christian denominations can say).

All I AM saying is that you cannot believe in multiple gods, and a non-divine Jesus, and still be Christian, any more than Jews or Muslims are Christians... they respect the teachings of Jesus, and believe in ONE god, but aren't Christian.

I know I pissed Ryan off, and I apologize for giving offense... abjectly and without reservation. I am the first to admit that there are unquestionably more Mormons out doing Christ's work than there are Catholics (as seen after Katrina). As he and I have had this discussion MANY times in the past, I will end by saying I am not a bigot, nor anti-Mormon. Mormons practice a Judeo-Christian faith... I simply think they are NOT a denomination of Christianity, where in the differences between Lutheran, Baptist and Methodist is only the application of one faith, rather than in the tennents of that faith.

So, please... don't be pissed. I am NOT mocking you or Mormonism AT ALL... well, maybe you, a bit. You are an old-world Irish Catholic waiting to be dragged out of your repressive emotional closet, both James and I have seen this a million times. You just keep fighting it.

Titus said...

About the JFK-Romney comparison, I really do see your point, but no one (outside of Rosie O'Donnel, I guess... handn't seen that before) is saying Romney is going to defer all decision-making power to Salt Lake City if he becomes President. There are literally DOZENS of Mormon governors, senators, congressman, et al, to show that Mormons make really GOOD Republicans.

Jack was fighting the image that Catholics make really BAD leaders, and really BAD Democrats (at a time when the Democratic Party was nearly unrecognizable from that of today, I might add... show me a really GOOD Catholic that can support the entire Dem platform today! I dare you to try!).

No Catholic need carry the stigma of always pandering to Rome whenever an act of state comes along... but since Penal Acts of the 18th Century here and in the British Isles, the "stigma" is that "papists" ONLY do what Rome wants.

Point is... I am NEVER going to see a practicing Catholic run on the Democratic ticket, and no Mormon would want to. Thus, if I am looking to cast my vote for a candidate that proudly uses his or her FAITH to determine the course of policy and ethics in an administration equally as much as REASON, then I will be voting GOP for either a Mormon or a Catholic (or any other denom... no one of faith can run on the Dem ticket... NO ONE).