Thursday, April 9, 2009


So, there are a few conservatives left in NEPA, and those that I work with are griping and bitching about Obama's "Apology Tour '09" and his bowing to the Saudi royals.

The problem isn't the bowing. Every US President or dignitary that has ever visited Japan, China or South Korea has bowed in greeting to his Far Eastern counterpart. Bowing is a sign of respect and dignity... not submission or subservience, as some would read into it.

The problem is the "Tour" itself. At every stop along the way, the man has said that "America has made mistakes", and that "America has been wrong" in the past. Is this true? Undoubtedly. Does it ever need to be expressed by a sitting US President to the leader of a nation that activily and openly gives money to communities and families that support terror against the US? Not in a million frigging years!

To think that a man who has very recently been voted into the highest and (potentially) the most powerful office in recorded human history is going to APOLOGIZE for American actions and policies to a nation where no women has EVER cast a vote in an election... that openly and without shame supports efforts to utterly destroy the strongest ally that the US has in the region... that continues to employ the same means of "aggressive interrogation" OR WORSE on its own citizens while decrying the US for using them on "enemy combatants" and avowed terrorists... that promoted and exploited HUMAN SLAVERY as recently as 1928 within the palaces of the Royal Family itself... how can this be "okay"?

When is it going to be enough? When are we going to see the media begin to show just how radically different the Obama White House is conducting its foreign policy affairs from ANYTHING we have seen in all of US history? I would have been hard-pressed to express the fear that Obama could eclipse Carter in making the US look bad (at best... flat out WEAK at the worst) just a few months ago, but Mr. Obama has done more damage in 100 days than Carter did in an entire term of office.

I don't often agree with Newt Gingrich on ANYTHING... but he said today that Obama had reversed nearly 200 years of US foreign policy with one extended diplomatic tour. Speaker Gingrich is 100% correct on this point... no question.

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