Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's more than that, though...

I'm not denying what you are saying... that the hubris of youth in and of itself is enough to make most under 25-year-olds nearly intolerable... but I think there is a more damaging aspect to the general malaise that is sweeping society in regards to faith and religion.

I agree that among the 18 to 25 year old age group, you are going to find more agnostics and atheists... but it is the prevelance of such within the bounds of modern "conservative" views that I find so surprising. It is this aspect of the issue that I attribute to the likes of such influences as Rand, Limbaugh, Coulter, Peikoff (sp?) and other "Objectivist" pundits and authors.

Now, I could go off on some long and drawn-out rant about Objectivism... but that would mean I'd have to detail its metaphysical and philosophic details, and I am not an Objectivist, so I don't want to do that. Suffice to say that the adherents feel that the purpose of life is to live and enjoy life, and that all efforts and labors to reach that goal are GOOD (morally and ethically), while any efforts taken that deny those goals to the individual are BAD (morally and ethically). Only those things/experiences/efforts that stem from or produce "objectively" measurable results or fruits are REAL. Anything else (resulting in or stemming from) a "subjective" or "relative" basis are meaningless and completely without value (morally, ethically, or otherwise).

It goes without saying that, since there can be no "objective" evidence for the existence of God, then God cannot exist and cannot be a factor in any aspect of the human experience of any value or effect. "Faith" has no value to an Objectivist because there is nothing of meaning in their lives that ISN'T validated through non-subjective, purely non-relative physical evidence or observable fact.

Much of what Rand professed as political opinion is solid, conservative thought... strong objection to collective policies, insistance on self-reliance and individual freedoms, and the need for low taxes and strong property protection laws... but her broader philosophy (in my eyes) is far closer to the model given to history within the framework of Italian Fascism... with a massive emphasis on atheistic foundational thought. A system of government where the capitalist engine is fostered and protected by the police/military complex from encroachment or theft, and where there is no welfare protection or coverage for any member of society outside of what is provided via the private sector. "Dog-eat-dog" social darwinism, in my opinion... but no one has offered an alternative counter to my opinion anywhere else.

Is this the face of modern conservative thought? Is the Randian model what is shaping future Reagans, Gingriches, Delays, and Demints? Why else is Atlas Shrugged number 2 on the best-sellar list after more than 50 years in print?

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