Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A father's pride...

So it's spring break here in Southern Mississippi and I've got the kids the first half of this week. Yesterday was bad weather and lots of time at various stores getting this and that. Today was supposed to be a beach day but instead everyone voted on going to Mobile, AL and visit the USS Alabama, BB60, and the USS Drum, WWII submarine.

Driving the hour down I-10 conversation drifted a little to the rescue of the captain of the Mersk (sp) Alabama and the pirates. My oldest, from the backseat, immediately says, "What's going to happen when we shut down Gitmo if we're having this kind of trouble now?"

Later, same child points to the A-4 in the Aircraft Pavillion and says, "Wow, Dad! That's John McCain's plane!"

In Turret Two there's a big dent in the floor from where a 2700 lbs shell slipped off the track and fell. My oldest points to the middle child and says, "Look at that. How far did it fall to make that dent? A foot maybe, if it were hanging from that track?"

Later she says, "Dad, you know they're shooting a VW Bug a really long way, right?"

My eyes were so full of tears I could barely make it down the ladders!

I will say this in a mild criticism for the Alabama... They've closed off more and more of it. I don't think it's simple construction either... Parts of both ships I remember being able to access are no longer open to the public. It's too bad, really. Hope it's temporary.

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