Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Out like a lamb...

So it's the last post of March, and it's one of our slowest months ever. Even if we posted every Ryan text verbatim we're below average.

Aside from Titus' cheating and a general sense of agreement in disagreeing with the current administration's handling of just about everything since being sworn in, why the silence?

4 days ago we got plastered by almost nine inches of rain in thirty-six hours. My apartment took water. The master bedroom is now the home of three industrial fans, a gigantic dehumidifier and two walls with more ventilation holes poked in them than a McDonald's play area. Never mind the fact that the machines combined make slightly less noise than one of Baddboy's C-130s on take off.

Is that an excuse for my not posting? No, just filling in the dead space.

I'd like to launch on a Ryanesque like rant concerning GM and Chrysler. I'd like to point and say that no matter what tough talk Obama may spew, he CANNOT let the big three fall. If any American company was going to get a bailout, this administration should have PLANNED on these three, for what is the Democratic Party without the UAW? And if the current administration allows the big three to fall, whether through restructuring in bankruptcy or what have you, what union would EVER support the dems again?

I'd like to talk about this but I am so numb to "recovery" and "stimulus" and "bailout" I cannot create an original thought.

I do want to know where we, as Americans, became slaves to entitlement? When did we, simply by being citizens of the United States, get the ideas in our heads that we are OWED something? Anything? We have rights, we have responsibilities, we have duties, but are we OWED something? Just by being here?

Just a last shout out before April. Hope we're busier here next month.

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