Friday, April 29, 2011

Say what you will...

The Royal Family has a real knack of learning from past mistakes, doesn't it?

William is just about everything that Charles wasn't. He shows real poise and maturity, where Charles was routinely shown to be an awkward, stuttering goof. While I can readily see the similarities between Andrew in the 1980s and Harry in the second decade of the new century... William is a complete Royal... where Charles was not.

Interestingly enough, Liz keeps making comparisons to the 1947 wedding of Elizabeth and Phillip. Coming on the heels of WWII and the devastation suffered by London and the whole of England during the Blitz, the wedding was seen as a real "revival" of English pride and honor... and I can't help but agree with her. All the trash thrown out over the last 30 years about the Royal Family and the British Monarchy by the tabloid press might now become real admiration, and I really don't think that would be a bad thing.

I mean, imagine a little national pride and media prominence of a monarchy in an era such as the one we are living in now when multinational organizations like the UN and the EU are doing all they can to bring down national, ethnic and dynastic (as well as very historic) institutions.

I think that would be a very good thing, myself.

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