Friday, April 1, 2011

Whigging Out

You know how Muslims hold other Muslims, whom have converted to Christianity, in greater disdain then someone born into Christianity, because in a rudimentary way they're suposed to "know better?"

Well let me put the GOP on notice - the history making mid term election, the thousands of Tea Party rallies, the marches, the unprecedented participation, the speeches, the donations, the time spent, DO YOU THINK ALL THAT WAS FOR A LOUSY 4% CUT!?

Boy I'm pissed about this. Boehner & McConnel are going to cave. 50-something billion dollar spending cuts is ALL THE EXCESS YOU COULD FIND in a 2.1 Trillion dollar budget and 14 Trillion dollar deficit????

Do you pubas in the GOP not get it? Do you not know your own history, what party you replaced?

Pay attention kiddies, THIS is how successful 3rd parties are born - the party they replace commits suicide.

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