Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What if?

Now that there are two established tickets for the 2012 race, and now that we are coming into the final preparations for the two national conventions, what are the chances that we see the DNC "draft" a new VP candidate for the '12 race?

Obama is the incumbent.  He is defending the "high ground", to use a rather tired analogy, and thus, the advantage is his.  However, not even the most ardent Democrat can argue that this is not going to be a cake-walk race.  The President and his team will do ANYTHING to avoid answering direct questions concerning issues facing the country, because they know they can't answer them adequately.

Obama is looking across the "battlefield" (another tired analogy, I know) and sees the Ryan pick as adding a popular, principled and (most importantly) very eloquent and well-spoken Number Two to the GOP team.  He looks to his camp and sees... Biden.

The gaffe in VA yesterday is simply the latest in a long line of idiotic things that Biden has managed to pull off since Jan of 2009.  Prior to that, he had a HUGE list of idiotic things, but those where accomplished when he was simply a senior Senator... now he is the Vice President of the United States, and ALWAYS in the lime light.  Each and every stupid thing said will haunt the campaign until it is over... and surely Obama and the team must know they can't afford that.

The names I've heard mentioned the most (since the VA "chains" gaffe) is Hillary, of course... but she might not accept it to keep her White House dreams alive.  Christine Gregoire (sp?) of Washington is on the list, since her term is up in 2013 and she'd bring executive experience.  So would Gov. Swietzer (sp?) of Montana, also out of office in 2013.

Is this a possibility?  Would the DNC discount the idea because it would make the Dems look "divided"?

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