Sunday, November 18, 2007

For Baddboy, et al...

I found these beauties last night... thought I'd dedicate them to Baddboy, our only contributing Veteran... he can act as "proxy" for all our proud service men and women.
The first is the new MRAP vehicle... aprox. 7 years late, but who's counting, right? From reports in the Stars and Stripes, this thing is a huge hit with the boys in Iraq, and it will undoubtedly service mighty nice in the "Stan" too. Can't tell you how much it pisses me off that Rummy held up this vehicle as "un-needed" (NOT "un-tested" as the White House has stated time and again... read the Stars and Stripes article!), even after the press made such a flak about the lack of vehicle armour in the face of determined IED attacks in the months IMMEDIATELY preceding the invasion. THAT man has a lot of F***ING questionable decisions to answer for, and I would be willing to bet my bottom dollar that if a Dem wins in '08... the FIRST thing they do is sit him in front of Congress to answer some of those questions. Any takers?
Baddboy's comments concerning monetary contributions to the historically, as well as politically, questionable regimes of the United States of Mexico over the last 20 years were not new to the Bund... but they were very topical to our discussion. The "Nada Peso" bill I got off another GOP-leaning site. Very nice, and quite in step with Baddboy's comments!

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