Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our group grows...

Today I invited Baddboy to participate on the blog as an "author", meaning he will be posting his own thoughts and dreams, instead of simply commenting on those posted by others.

I have expanded the "Who's Who" to include him (if you don't like the blurb... feel free to offer suggestions. My first impulse was to use "token veteran", but there might not be enough South Park fans out there to appreciate the reference), and I will add space for any links he might want to post or add later.

This certainly isn't the first time we have extended our "fraternity" to those like-minded people that might have something to add... but very few have stayed the course. Wait... none have stayed the course. We have chased all the rest away. It seems that the first time someone posts something that one of us disagrees with and rebuts, people get offended and stop coming or reading (I am referring to people on our old mailing list, of course). This can only mean one of two things:
  • We are too harsh in our rebuttals
  • We are to lax in our choice of Bund associates

Me? I blame Ryan.

Welcome, Baddboy!


Jambo said...

Not that I'm opposed to blaming Ryan, but maybe there's something to the "too harsh" aspect of the Bund.

That kid, can't think of his name, he only posted like three times back in the mailing list days and I remember him getting stomped on pretty hard. There is a lack of opposition thinking people here. It's one thing to debate, but maybe we are somewhat vigorous in chasing away people who don't agree with what we say or believe.

Some average lurker may look at this and think, "Some rag for a bunch of neo-conservatives," and move on. It's not like that at all, I think. For one, there's not a real conservative on the list. For all his posturing, Ryan hasn't backed a "conservative" in his life. (Let's keep in mind, he was five when Reagan won the nomination in 1980. :-) ) None of us were alive to see Hoover, or for that matter Eisenhower. (And Dwight's New Deal tendencies knock him from the traditional "Conservative" ranks.) So people like Mic or that kid or my mom and dad or Tommy or any of them can comment and feel welcome.

Like Titus said, don't be afraid of Ryan. I'm the scary one.

Titus said...

I, too, don't want to detract from the "blame Ryan" aspect of this thread... but James has a solid point.

Not the too harsh bit, though... you don't have to read very deep to see that we are all airing our views, regardless of popularity or political correctness (or political affiliation, for that matter). This is a "come as you are... but expect the rest to do the same" group. Always was, and always will be.

I am agreeing with James in his observation that we are NOT balanced in our spectrum here in the Bund.

Myself... I still blame Ryan.

Seriously, I would tend to explain this by the simple fact that so little of the "liberal" agenda is based on any factual premise what so ever... and I think Ryan would agree with me. None the less, as rare as they may be, there ARE actual liberals out there that can, and do, defend the liberal position in as rational and direct a manner as even I could hope.

They are rare, though... very rare.