Thursday, November 15, 2007

Unbelievable ...

We've gone over the illegal alien debate - and obviously enforcement first, followed by reasonable solutions to those already here is the answer. Jambo and I have put together a more specific plan in previous posts and we've concluded that the only reason Titus wasn't on board (not a 100% anyway) had more to do with emotions - his disdain for enforcing our sovereignty doesn't "feel right" to him (my opinion), it seems ethnocentristic. Although he doesn't deny, when pressed, the need and logic in enforcing our laws. WELL, one of the problems I have seen - and there is book out there I am looking for that discusses the net cost the illegal's presence have on our economy (juxtaposing the economic benefits they contribute against the social and criminal services consumed) - is the available access of many social programs. Now I have come across one first hand. It occurred to Angela that although my income is too high, perhaps she can qualify (within 200% above the poverty line) to get the boys SCHIPS until my insurance is available in March of 08' (they offer part timers a more expensive version & that's the sign up date). So, I'm perusing the state site and I'm looking at the application - the yellow shaded areas are "required." Guess what's NOT shaded - the box for your social security number. And as my jaw drops, it gets even more blatant as I scroll down:

US Citizenship Status* (optional): U.S. Citizen ( ) Undocumented Alien ( ) Qualified Alien with Legal Immigration Status ( )
*Information received on adults' citizenship status is not reported to INS.

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? Optional! Your legal status is optional! Then if you "opt" to answer you can still check "undocumented!" And don't worry - we won't snitch!

I don't EVER want to EVER hear how much illegals "contribute" again. Those are my tax dollars! I am incensed at this! Perhaps if the 12-20 million illegals weren't here, soaking up these social benefits, then maybe the extended SCHIPS program that the PoTUS vetoed would be feasible! The jobs illegals do - manual labor, etc - do not include health benefits, they're just not those type of jobs. So I'm sure the vast majority are accessing these type of programs. Now if Titus wants to focus solely on cracking down on companies that hire illegals - they only portion of Jambo & my plan he could bring himself to agree with - on the basis of "removing the "magnet" for illegals to come here, then he MUST also agree that services such as these are just as big of a magnet as employment! You must COMPLETELY REMOVE these attractions as well if you're going to be intellectually honest about what draws them here!

Not to mention, here's a state agency blatantly announcing to the nation - "we will further enable you to break the law", not to mention it equates to saying "FU** the feds!"

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I'm even more determined to get that book now, I've quoted the author (he was on radio) here before and I remember one of the numbers - a family of four illegals causes a net loss in our economy of 2,600 dollars per year. The book obviously goes into the specifics on how that number is arrived upon.

Anyone whom disagrees with enforcement first (in all its aspects: fence, more personnel, steep fines, REMOVAL OF SOCIAL SERVICES, and ICE raids routinely and very public) is allowing their "emotion" to overwhelm basic common sense and sense of fair play. And guess what - new immigrants, legal ones, get that. A new poll (it was on the radio but I'll find it) says that 72% of newly naturalized citizens (asked right after they took their oath) tend to agree with the GOP's hard line on illegal entry. Wanna guess why? I think I can.

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