Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mail this guy a copy of the constitution ...

The mayor of DC, I don't know his name so lets just call him "jack ass" (all do apologies to Johnny Knoxville), got a city wide resolution passed that bans ALL privately owned legal guns in D.C. I mean no guns in your private residence! They are all illegal as you read this. And in typical moronic reasoning he quotes statistics that 90% of homicides in his city are due to handguns. Like the gun grew legs, a motive, and killed somebody. In the words of Archie Bunker, "Would it make you feel any better little girl if dey was pushed out of windas." It has been clearly demonstrated in study after study that communities whom have the loosest legal gun ownership restrictions have lower crime rates than those cities with strict gun ownership laws. And does the good mayor think that criminals will abide by his new law, and check their guns at the edge of town? What, will he hire Wyatt Earp to ensure this? Is he crazy? The ONLY private citizens with guns in D.C. will be the killers, thugs and thieves. Not to mention, I've always considered the hand gun in the purse to be the ultimate in making a woman equal to a man.

A security guard (private citizen) filed a suit, a gun toting woman signed on and the Supreme Court will hand down its ruling sometime next spring - the arguments concluded as of today. The mayor says (reminiscent of Titus' old argument) that the 2nd amendment only guarantees "militias" the right to bare arms. Never mind that it reads (and I know it by heart thank you very much), "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bare arms, shall not be infringed."

What part of "the right of the people" is unclear. The amendment hands down TWO garuntees in that atatement: the people's right to have a well regulated militia to ensure the security of a free State, AND the individual's right as a citizen to keep - stress KEEP - and bare arms.

And even if you take the mayor's narrow, and incorrect, interpretation, that only militia's are reserved that right, he must then ask himself, "what is a militia?" I'll tell you what it is not - it is not people whom are prohibited from owning fire arms, and then show up in a time of crisis and are issued weapons by the government. They are private citizens who show up with their OWN guns and preform military actions in emergency circumstances.

This is insanity.

And if the law stands (I highly doubt it will - this is an obvious breach) will they come door to door and collect the guns? Try that in Texas, in Mississippi, in Tennessee. You want to see a highly motivated, let alone "regulated" militia, try this in the South.

THIS is the very type of "tyranny" our forefathers warned of and fought against.


F. Ryan said...

Let me just add - DC has, for a decade and a half, had one of the highest murder rates in the country, with at least twice eclipsing New Orleans as the murder capital of the nation. Their murder rate is something on the order of 7x's the national rate, if memory serves.And each year they further restrict gun laws for legal citizens while cities that loosen legal gun ownership see their crime rates plummit - not just murder, all crime.
They (DC) have to be aware of these figures, they're there for anyone to research. So why do it? POWER. The empowerment of the state over the citizen. I'm not a conspiracy nut or anything, I'm just pointing out - the collection of private fire-arms has been a prelude to the installment of many a tyrranicl government.

Baddboy said...

I lived in the Metro DC area for 8 years and most of that was spent as an volunteer EMT or after I left active duty In the Emergency room of one of the areas largest public hospitals. That being said I can speak with some experience that the DC area is a bigger shit hole than Las Vegas.

Banning firearms hasn't nor will it decrease the murder rate nor will it reduce the amount of crime committed in the District. A law abiding citizen that lives within the city limits of Washington DC is either a crime statistic already or will become one in due time. I had the joy of picking up the broken bodies due to violent crime, drugs, drunk driving or just pure stupidity around that lovely city for too many years and no amount of gun control will ever change the epidemic of "dumb ass" that thrives in that community.

If you want to look at the true statistics you need to look at DC, Prince Georges and Montgomery County Maryland and Arlington county Virginia. I would love to see the look on your face when you inclued those 3 counties to the DC numbers, I'm sure it will be priceless.

If you are really into doing the research look at the numbers for 1988-1996 and that will show you just how much fun I had.