Saturday, May 17, 2008

HAHA love the contradiction

You said "That is the definition of the Court's role, isn't it? To stop the infringement of individual rights by the Government." and yet you are against Roe vs Wade? Miranda vs Arizona was a legitimate ruling...not that I agree with it in whole but it is law enforcements responsibility to inform any suspect of thier rights prior to questioning. No doubt the guys was a dirt bag but...

Roe vs Wade on the other hand as much as the pro-lifers would love to tell you was the wrong decision was the right one. I know how can you be pro-choice and be a conservative? Well I look at it as a health issue not a moral one. I have daughters and I'll be damned that if they decide against everything that I have taught them or tried to instill in them that they are going to get an abortion that I want them to find some dirtbag with a clothes hangar to help them take care of it. Abortion should never be used as a form of birth control but should it come to be then I don't think that she should have to get butchered in the process.

Take it for what it's worth, just my 2 cents again

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