Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Once again...

I have to admit that I was wrong.

It seems that the US military, the State Department, and HIS OWN FAMILY have confirmed that one Abdullah Salim Ali al-Ajmi, a Kuwaiti national and former detainee of GITMO that was released after 3 years of confinement in 2006, has killed as many as 26 innocent Iraqi civilians in Mosul last week during the rash of suicide bombings.

So, my official opinion on keeping enemy combatants and terrorists at facilities like GITMO is this:

Rather than spend the $450,000 a year that it takes to keep, secure and feed these animals on US military property, let's save everyone a bunch of money and effort. Let's buy 10' of good, stout rope and string the bastards up by the neck from the nearest shade tree... then bury them in deep, unmarked holes so they can be quickly and quietly forgotten.

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